martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Movie Riddle

It’s a historical fantasy movie. It takes place in Greek. Gerard Butler is in it. 
It’s about the story of a king who receive a letters from a bad king to pay water and lands, in order to make submission from a bigger country than a smaller and where the king refuse pay that, then start a wars between two lands.
In the end, the king who sends the letters try to propose the same deal with others arguments to the king who refuses at first time and the second time too for that reason he died by millions of arrows

I'm glad to share this great movie, I hope receive yours answer. And if you don't know the name of the movie, you will check it by clicking:

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Save our earth

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Real facts about the lack of water:
  • Only 0.01% of the earth's water is drinkable.
  • An average citizen in Mozambique uses 9 liters of water of day.
  • Earth loses 70% of our water because of old pipes.
People be aware about the water that we waste every day, maybe in this moment Venezuela has the capacity to find and use water but in a couple of years the luckiness that we have wich probably it's not going to be the same and we are going to suffer about the lack of water that exist in some places around the world.

miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

technología (τεχνολογία) — téchnē (τέχνη), an 'art', 'skill' or 'craft' and -logía (-λογία), the study of something, or the branch of knowledge of a discipline.

Technology could come from an unimportant materia in order to develop at the most important things that world have never seen for that reason any kind of stuff it's technology although people refuse, because they think technology as the newest or lastest things at moment but not they are wrong because all that we can see it's technology, people always try to chance or create a new things taking as a base another old things.


Talking about people always create huge controversy in order to see the real beauty even people know that we have different ways of feeling, thinking and so on, I believe that the real beauty it's found when people stop seeing beauty like a way to sell/buy products where the main target are the minds of people around and changes the concept of perceiving beauty, and starting perceive ugliness because the media or people create this kind of things, like the picture below.